Effective Workout Tips That Really Work

A healthy lifestyle is the secret  of losing, and maintaining weight in the long run and all that you need for this is a good work out mat and a positive mindset. Being active, increases the amount of calories burned. Physical activity and balanced diet together help in achieving good health.  And putting it simply, […]

Easy Way To Lose Weight With Cardio Workouts

Looking for an easy way to lose weight but want to avoid medical weight loss and diet programs? Well who doesn’t, because you all know that it will not get you long term results! So many suggestions and opinions are available today, which are dedicated to rapid weight loss tricks and how health can be […]

Disease Prevention through Nutritious Diet

Nowadays we have become more prone to diseases. There are a number of reasons why we falls sick. In this article, I will not only talk about those reasons but share some ideas of how to prevent these diseases by following a nutritious diet.  With the busy scheduled and fast paced life we live today, […]

Disease Prevention – 5 Tips That Really Help

That “Health is Wealth” is not only a popular adage but also a popular headline, thanks to the ongoing efforts of Obama in pushing his healthcare policy. Whether or not you succumb to his policy is another question but I say that disease prevention is better than cure. With escalating healthcare costs and a bleak […]

Dietary Supplements for Well Being – The Truth about Their Benefits

We are all familiar with the term “dietary supplements” and it conjures an image of a product featuring a stunning model smiling and flashing a shapely torso. The reference is clear; you use this product and have as great a body as him or her. But are these products as good as they promise to […]

Choosing the best fitness program to stay in shape

A fitness program that helps you be fit and fine. Now how many fitness classes say that? How do you know which fitness program to go for? How can I make out whether the fitness program I have enrolled in is working for me? These are some of the questions and doubts you may have […]

Can Dietary Changes Help In Disease Prevention?

It is often tough to change your eating habits. However, once you change your diet and know which food is good to eat and which food is best eaten in limited quantity, then you will be able to protect yourself from many health problems. The adage “Prevention is better than cure” has been handed down […]

Birth Control and Weight Gain

Does birth control cause weight gain? When it comes to birth control, weight loss is the last thing you think about. The estrogen in birth control pills is known to cause weight gain. The higher the estrogen dose, the greater the chance of excessive weight gain. With some kinds of birth control, weight gain is […]

A suitable fitness challenge ideas to a healthy life

Every people around you or your well-wishers be it your parents or teachers always emphasize the importance of having a good diet. Our hectic modern life has made junk food a staple diet for most of us out there. However, if you wish to live a healthy life then you should follow the fitness challenge […]